PresentationAccessLEEM's publications
The observation of naturally occuring events does not allow a careful isolation of the relevant factors that affect those events, nor to measure precisely their relative importance. Furthermore, some situations are hardly observable, either because they correspond to very rare events in space and time, or because they require a particular combination of factors. Finally, some economic situations cannot be observed without the practical implementation of some policy instrument. Experimental tools have been developed by economists, in order to overcome some of the difficulties of observing naturally occurring events.In a typical experiment, an artificial environment is created, reflecting either the conditions described by economic theory or some hypothetical situation. Therefore economic experiments can be designed to address three types of issues:

  • theory testing, by providing relevant data,
  • decision aid, by evaluating the impact of various instruments (e.g. a public policy or a firm strategy), without exposing the individuals or groups concerned by those instruments to the potential costs or risks of a real in-situ implementation,
  • provide new insights and knowledge about situations for which theory is lacking or incomplete.

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Room 216 (2nd floor)
Faculté des Sciences Economiques
Espace Richter – Avenue de la Mer
CS 79606
34960 MONTPELLIER cedex 2

E-mail: leem-contact@umontpellier.fr

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Partial connectivity increases cultural accumulation within groups

Derex,  M. and Boyd R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Evidence of genotypic adaptation to the exposure to volcanic risk at the dopamine receptor DRD4 locus

Faurie,  C.,  Mettling,  C.,  Bchir,  M.A.,  Sri Hadmoko,  D.,  Heitz,  C.,  Dwi Lestari,  E,  Raymond,  M. and Willinger,  M.
Nature - Scientific Reports
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How do incidental emotions impact pro-environmental behavior? Evidence from the dictator game

Ibanez,  L.,  Moureau,  N.,  and Roussel,  S.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
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Who are the Voluntary Leaders? Experimental Evidence from a Sequential Contribution Game

Preget,  R.,  Nguyen Van,  P. and Willinger,  M.
Theory and Decision
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Malevolent Governance, Intra-Group Conflict and the Paradox of the Plenty: An Experiment

Puzon,  K. and Willinger,  M.
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The perils of government enforcement

Romaniuc,  R.,  Farrow,  K.,  Marciano,  A.,  and Ibanez,  L.
Public Choice
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Men increase contributions to a public good when under sexual competition

Tognetti,  A.,  Dubois Dimitri,  Faurie,  C. and Willinger,  M.
Nature - Scientific Reports
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Social learning and the replication process: an experimental investigation

Derex,  M.,  Feron,  R.,  Godelle,  B.,  and Raymond M
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
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Are people risk-vulnerable?

Beaud,  M. and Willinger,  M.
Management Science
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Choice overload, coordination and inequality: three hurdles to the effectiveness of the compensation mechanism?

Figuières,  C.,  Midler,  E. and Willinger,  M.
Social Choice and Welfare
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The trade-off between welfare and equality in a public good experiment

Figuières,  C.,  Rouaix,  A. and Willinger,  M.
Social Choice and Welfare
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Performance of the ambient tax: does the nature of the damage matter?

Ammar,  N.,  Ennasri,  A. and Willinger,  M.
Environmental and Resource Economics
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How does competition affect the transmission of information?

Derex M.,  Godelle B. and Raymond M.
Evolution and Human Behavior
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Incentives and managerial effort under competitive pressure: An experiment

Ennasri,  A. and Willinger,  M.
Research in Economics
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Influence of context on player behavior: Experimental assessment

Farolfi,  S.,  Désolé,  M. and Rio,  P
Simulation and Gaming
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Sharing rules for a Common-Pool Resource with private alternatives

Lefebvre,  M.,  Tidball,  M.,  Thoyer,  S. and Willinger,  M.
Environmental Modelling and Assessment
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When Allais meets Ulysses: Dynamic axioms and the common ratio effect

Nebout,  A. and Dubois,  D.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
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Experimental evidence for the influence of group size on cultural complexity

Derex M.,  Beugin M.P.,  Godelle B. and Raymond M.
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Does a membership fee foster successful public good provision? An experimental investigation of the provision of a step-level collective good?

Bchir,  M.A.
Public Choice
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Weak moral motivation leads to the decline of voluntary contributions

Figuières,  C.,  Masclet,  D. and Willinger,  M.
Journal of Public Economic Theory
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Income redistribution and public good provision : an experiment

Maurice,  J.,  Rouaix,  A. and Willinger,  M.
International Economic Review
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Optimization incentives and relative riskiness in experimental coordination games

Dubois,  D.,  Willinger,  M. and Nguyen Van,  P.
International Journal of Game Theory
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Does identification affect trust and reciprocity in the lab?

Dubois,  D.,  Willinger,  M. and Blayac,  T.
Journal of Economic Psychology
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Vanishing leadership and declining reciprocity in a sequential contribution experiment

Figuières,  C.,  Masclet,  D. and Willinger,  M.
Economic Inquiry
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Do static externalities offset dynamic externalities? An experimental study of the exploitation of substitutable common-pool resources

Giordana,  G.,  Montginoul,  M. and Willinger,  M.
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
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Do binding agreements solve the social dilemma?

Thoron,  S.,  Sol,  E. and Willinger,  M.
Journal of Public Economics
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Tolérance de la fraude et évasion fiscale: une analyse expérimentale du modèle de Greenberg

Bchir,  M.A.,  Daures,  N. and Willinger,  M.
Economie et prévision
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Risque et sélection d'équilibre dans un jeu de coordination: une analyse expérimentale

Dubois,  D.,  Willinger,  M. and Nguyen Van,  P.
Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques
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Experimental economics in Montpellier

Researchers, faculty and doctoral students in economics study individual and group behaviour in various economic environments. They are involved in national and international research projects.

The research team relies strongly on laboratory experimentation to carry out those projetcs. For running experiments we need volunteers which are paid for their participation in experimental sessions. The payment rules differ according to the type of experiment. However, on average participants earn between 5 and 25 Euros for a typical session (about 1:30 mn duration).

No knowledge in economics is required to participate in our experiments. Everybody can apply to become a participant.

Sign in today, it’s fun, it’s paid, and you contribute to scientific progress!