CEE-M got funding for the project ReCROP

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  • CEE-M got funding for the project ReCROP
11 January 2021
By Nicolas

Three members of CEE-M are involved in the ReCROP project : Thierry Blayac, Emmanuelle Lavaine and Sébastien Roussel.

ReCROP aims to redesign Mediterranean agrosystems through the combined use of biotechnological tools and environmentally friendly agronomic practices. This will allow farming systems to face climate change through the improvement of below and aboveground biodiversity, fertility, and water conservation.

ReCROP covers the Mediterranean Geographical Area (MGA), involving Morroco, Egypt, Tunisia (South MGA), Italy and France (North MGA), and Portugal and Spain (West MGA), and incorporates major crops cultivated in these countries – vineyards, cereals, and aromatic/medicinal plants. CEE-M’s contribution will focus on characterizing from a socioeconomic point of view the main drivers to encourage farmers to switch towards greener practices and promote their acceptability, and fostering innovative sustainable solutions for ecological farming systems involving the views of local stakeholders and providing guidelines to improve the resilience of Mediterranean target crops.with improved resilience capacity and higher productivity, focusing on the development of sustainable agricultural production systems.

ReCROP project is developped in the framework of PRIMA. PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area – is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. PRIMA consists of European Union Member States, Horizon 2020 Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries on an equal footing basis (co-ownership, co-management and co-funding) with the Participation of the European Commission, under the framework of an art.185 TFEU.